
We expect all students at London Enterprise Academy to leave and go on to either Further/Higher Education, Training or other Career Opportunities. We hope through Careers Education, our students will be able to make good decisions to reach their aspirations. It is compulsory to stay in education or training until the age of 18. 

Please click here to see the upcoming Careers events. 

Important Career Links and Resources 


National Careers Service- This website gives you information on how to become a range of occupations and jobs including qualifications required, salary, job description and more- Click here for all job sectors


Construction Jobs- Find out how to become a Construction Manager, Carpenter, Electrician & More -Click Here

Emergency Services Jobs - Find out how to become a Firefighter, Police Officer, Army Officer & More- Click Here

Engineering Jobs-Find out how to become an Aerospace Engineer, Civil Engineer, Marine Engineer&More- Click here

Government Services Jobs- Find out how to become a Immigration Officer, Intelligence Analyst & More- Click Here

Healthcare Jobs- Find out how to become a Hospital Doctor, Dentist, Paramedic, Psychologist & More- Click here 

Legal Sector Jobs- Find out how to become a Barrister, Judge, Coroner, Solicitor, Paralegal & More- Click Here 

Media and Creative jobs- Find out how to become an Actor, Architect, TV/Film Producer & More- Click Here

Technology&IT Jobs- Find out how to become an App Developer, Computer Games Tester & More- Click Here

Transport Jobs- Find out how to come a Pilot, Train, Bus, Coach Driver, Transport Planner & More- Click Here



During this week, the apprenticeship community celebrate, promote and inform students about apprenticeships. This is one of the options for your child after year 11 at the age of 16 where you work a real job (80%) and study at the same time (20%) Please find a range of resources and links to apprenticeships below.

Video- Watch a video on what apprenticeships are- Click here to watch

Guide to Apprenticeships- Find out all the information about apprenticeships by downloading the document on the website- Click here to visit and download 

Subject Snapshot Bundle- This will allow you to find out what apprenticeships are available in specific subjects and the type of companies that offer apprenticeships- Click Here to download 

Subject Posters- Download posters for all subjects stating what apprenticeships and roles are available across different subjects- Click Here to download

Amazing Apprenticeships Snapshot- You can find a long list of companies which offer apprenticeships with an employer factfile, real apprentices, behind the scenes videos and live vacancies using this link. Some examples are Bentley, Google, BBC, HSBC, ITV and many more Click here to visit website

Apprenticeship quizzes: Guess the Employer Quiz- Click here 

                                              Challenge yourself Quiz- Click Here 

A-Z on apprenticeships video- Watch the apprenticeship case study film, The A-Z of female and male apprentices, to discover more about real apprentices, their job roles, the companies they work for and their day to day lives! Click here to watch



Virtual Work Experience Opportunities: 

Please sign up to the websites below- you can find more information on Virtual work experience on The year 10 page

 Springpod- Sign up here 

 Speakers For School- Sign up here



What options does my child have after year 11?

You child has three options: (For further information on post 16 options, please visit the year 11 page)

-Study A-Levels at a college or sixth form

These are academic subjects continued from GCSE or new subjects. This is the traditional route into university where you usually select 3-4 subjects. Examples: Biology, English, Maths, Psychology, Economics


-Study a BTEC qualification at a college or sixth form

-These are vocational courses, typically one course which equates to 3 A-Levels. Examples: Health and social care, applied science, business, IT



-This is when your employed in a full time job, earning money whilst completing a formal qualification. They can start right from school leavers (after year 11) up to a degree equivalent apprenticeship

Did you know that you can apply for a degree apprenticeship after completing a level 3 qualification (after college or sixth form) This is where you are in full time employment, earning a salary whilst completing a recognised degree at university. This is paid for by your employer so you do not have to pay for your university fees!

To watch a short video on apprenticeships - Click here 


Useful Career Links 

Please use the below links to gain some insight into different Careers, University and routes after year 11

National Careers Service:

This government website provides information, advice and guidance on learning, training, career choice, career development, job search, and the labour market. You can find out different jobs, the salary, steps to get there and more. 

Select explore Careers- and there are 800 career profiles to discover. 

National Careers Service


Labour Market Information:

Labour market information describes the condition of the labour market, past and present, as well as future projections. It makes clear where work opportunities are increasing or decreasing. Please find LMI information for all over the country and specifically for London. 

LMI for all 

LMI London 



Use this government website to find out information and search for apprenticeships. You will need to make an account to apply for an apprenticeship. Must be 16 years old to begin your first apprenticeship. (More information found on year 11 page)

Find An Apprenticeship 



UCAS stands for Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. It’s the centralised service that students use to apply to university. You can search different university courses and entry requirements to prepare yourself for the near future.

You can also search a range of careers- job descriptions, entry requirements and grades, routes into the career and much more 

UCAS- Career search

UCAS- further education and universities 



Additional Websites:

All About Careers- Search careers jobs and take a careers quiz to find out your strengths 

Success at School- Search a range of career zones, employers and universities 

Amazing Apprenticeships- Many resources , live vacancy snapshot

Amazing Apprenticeships- Parent packs available to download

icould Buzz Quiz- Quiz about your strengths and personality- helps match you to a career

Target Careers- Search careers and universities 

Milkround- Find internships, placements or graduate jobs

Youth Employment- use the Careers hub and free young professional training 

Start Careers - Can use as a guest, without needing to register

Russell Group- Research the top 24 leading Russel groups universities in the UK

Target Careers - Parent's Guide to careers, pathways and options



CV and Interview Support:

Please download documents below to gain further information on CV/Interview support 

Downloadable information on Apprenticeships below

Careers Key Dates 2023-24
College & Sixth Form Application Deadlines 2024
CV Writing Tips
Interview Tips
Guide to Apprenticeships
The A-Z of Apprenticeships
Why Choose LEA?
How Do I Join?

London Enterprise Academy
Aneurin Bevan House
81-91 Commercial Road
E1 1RD

Telephone: 0207 426 0746


Transport Routes

Bus routes – D3, 15, 40, 115, 135, 25, 205, 254,100

DLR to Shadwell or overground

Underground to Aldgate East or Whitechapel