Physical Education

Physical Education offers enjoyment, participation, confidence, mental well-being, stress relief, experience, resilience and social interaction at LEA. The PE curriculum allows students to experience a wide range of physical activities and sports on many different levels from PE lessons to national sports competitions.

Key Stage 3

At KS3 the focus is on a curriculum which is fun, active and challenging and offers lots of different experiences. Lessons develop learners’ attitudes to sport and physical activity so it is a positive development. Learners are encouraged to take the lead and offer support to other students and teamwork is an essential component of most lessons. Lessons are supported by extra curricula clubs and teams. The P.E department is committed to organised sport and each term a range of competitions and activities are supported allowing inter school competitive experiences from 11 a side football leagues to indoor rowing competitions. The Tower Hamlets Sports Network organises and runs many of the area school's competitions. A team ethos is a key trait for all participants to understand and adopt. LEA P.E department is also committed to competition table tennis and league and cup hard ball cricket. The boys and girls are also entered into the English Schools Football Competitions in all year groups.

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Key Stage 4

At KS4 leaners are encouraged to take on different roles during participation. Refereeing to coaching are undertaken during lessons and some students choose to support clubs and teams in physical activity to demonstrate positive role models to younger students. Sports leadership is an integral part of kS4 and is taught through different activities similar to KS3. Students have more choice and input into activities and structure, many enjoy the different delivery methods many of which are their peers teaching/coaching them? Enrichment activities are concentrated on experiences in outdoor and adventurous sports, while the same level of competitive sport is delivered at KS4 allowing teams and individuals to continue with successes from KS3.

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At KS4 students have the opportunity to opt for an examination course in GCSE PE and BTEC First Award in Sport. These courses are designed so students demonstrate and gain accreditation for skills and attributes learnt at KS3. This KS4 course builds upon the fundamental skills learnt at KS3 and gives students a greater depth and understanding of the Principles of Training, reducing the risk of injury, sport’s nutrition, the body’s response to training and the sports industry. Students are able to develop their leadership skills in level 1 and 2 courses delivered and supporting younger students during clubs and teams.

Careers and Next Steps

Students have the option to study A Level Physical Education at a number of local colleges and sixth forms, which alongside biology or Psychology and other A Levels would give learners the perfect entry requirements for some of the top sports universities in the country. Students can also go on to use their BTEC Level 2 Sport qualification at many colleges to study the full diploma in level 3 sport or exercise and fitness. Pathways lead to sports coaching courses at university or any other sport related course. Many students also go on to develop excellent sports participation after LEA joining clubs and teams all around the country and some even going on to represent their countries!

Road Map

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PE Road Map
Why Choose LEA?
How Do I Join?

London Enterprise Academy
Aneurin Bevan House
81-91 Commercial Road
E1 1RD

Telephone: 0207 426 0746


Transport Routes

Bus routes – D3, 15, 40, 115, 135, 25, 205, 254,100

DLR to Shadwell or overground

Underground to Aldgate East or Whitechapel