Internet Safety
Internet safety, also known as online safety, cyber safety or e-safety, is being safe on the internet and the safe use of technology.
Click on the links and documents below to see advice and tips on how to be safe online.
If there is anything you are worried about regarding your child and the internet, contact Naveed Hussain (Safeguarding Lead):
Naveed.Hussain1@londonenterpriseacademy.org or call 02074260746
Useful Sites
National Online Safety has useful guides for parents on specific things ranging from gaming sites to social media.
Childnet has information and advice for young people on being safe online.
Safer Internet Centre Here you can find online safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe online.
Safer Internet Day
Safer Internet Day is on the 6th February 2024.
Each year it aims to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology for all, especially children and young people. This year's theme is An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world.
Click here for advice and resources on online safety and how to report online problems.
Meetings and Video Calling
Due to the lockdown and remote learning, we may sometimes require meetings with yourself and your child but this will only be done with prior arrangements with yourself, and during school hours. Please see here for more information.